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Visum Photo Viewer


resize image icon

Resize images

Resize feature screenshot
crop image icon

Built-in image cropper

Crop feature screenshot
adjust image icon

Enhance your photos

Adjust feature screenshot
video support icon

Video support

Video support feature screenshot
formats icon

Works with the most popular formats

Format Extension
BMP .bmp .dib .rle
GIF .gif
ICO .ico .icon
CUR .cur
JPEG .jpeg .jpe .jpg .jfif .exif
PNG .png
TIFF .tiff .tif
DNG .dng
Windows Media Photo .wdp .jxr
DirectDraw Surface .dds
HEIF .heic .heif .avci .heics .heifs .avcs .avif .avifs
WEBP .webp
Raw image* .3fr .ari .arw .bay .cap .cr2 .cr3 .crw .dcs .dcr .drf .eip .erf .fff .iiq .k25 .kdc .mef .mos .mrw .nef .nrw .orf .ori .pef .ptx .pxn .raf .raw .rw2 .rwl .sr2 .srf .srw .x3f .dng
Video .3gp .asf .avi .m2ts .m4v .mkv .mov .mp4 .mts .ogv .webm